- Payment by credit card will be made through secure transactions provided by the service provider Crédit Agricole. The customer will provide the type, number, expiration date, security code as well as the 3D-Secure code provided by his bank.
- Payment by bank TRANSFER must be issued by a bank domiciled in Metropolitan France:
- Bank code: 11206
- Sort code: 20015
- Account number: 94709874100
- RIB key: 18
- IBAN: FR76 1120 6200 1594 7098 7410 018
- Bank address: Crédit Agricole Nord Midi-Pyrénées - 219 avenue François Verdier - 81000 ALBI
- Payment by CHECK: acceptance of payment by check issued by a bank domiciled in Metropolitan France or Monaco, will be validated upon receipt of it and collection from our bank.